Starting with myself

It’s been a minute. I know… I’m awful with keeping up with this blog. BUT before you roll your eyes at me, I want to give you a update on what’s been going on. So I am in real estate school, the shit is rough not going to lie! Luckily being a leasing agent for…

Oh, Baby!

At a few years shy of 30, I don’t have any children nor am I married. It’s like all my friends are having babies for me. I am so grateful for them. They give me a opportunity to love their children as my own. I wanted to share a little part of me today. This…

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

Whew !!! Thank God that year is over. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! I wanted to post a little something something. You know, hold myself accountable for this blog! And some slight entertainment for few of my readers. Let’s talk about 2021 …. That was by far…


It feels as if the past couple years have been weighing on me hard. Anything and everything was trying to take me down. I absolutely refuse to give up. Depression is a demon that sits in the dark, waiting for you to hit the weakest point and then grab you. It hooks on you like…


Wow.. It’s been forever since I took the time to open this blog back up just to write something. I can honestly say that I miss it. I have spent so much time here lately reflecting on life. If there is one thing I love, is being able to write and share with others what…

Seashell Hunting

The weather here in Georgia has not been the greatest. I’m sitting here dreaming of clear blue skies while rains pours off the side of my roof. With Alberto in the Gulf, he has brought nothing but rain. Even though we are needing it, it’s been two weeks of constant rain. I need a day…


It has been a moment since I last blogged. Life gets crazy busy, especially here recently. I’ve been working a full time job and still trying to keep my motivation for photography going. My inspiration died between work stress and home stress. it was the first time I put away my camer for the longest…

Shamelessly Brooke

  Shamelessly Brooke, I created a artist page for myself. I didn’t want my facebook page to be flooded with random pictures along with people bitching about seeing my photos. (we all have those facebook friends) Now everyone who is interested in my work can follow along. So if you are interested, find my page…

Running A Paparazzi Business

If you have been following my blog post, you will know that I run a direct sales business. When you hear direct sales you automatically think Pyramid Scheme. I am here to tell you that isn’t always the case. Any type of business can be considered a pyramid scheme. You have managers, employees, assistant manager.. I…

Farm Lands and Dreams

It’s been a moment since I’ve last posted on here. Sometimes life gets crazy, but I won’t let it be the excuse. I’ve been working hard on my film work. I ventured out into the country last Saturday. I can’t wait to show you what all I captured. If you are a film photographer and…

35mm Film

My photography journey started at a young age, but I didn’t really become obsessed with it until I was 18. I started with a 35mm film camera. My mom bought it from a photographer that was moving and he sold it for $45. I’ve had it for 9 years. This year I have been using…

Paparazzi Jewelry

Since starting my paparazzi journey, I have fallen even more in love with the jewelry. If you don’t know, Paparazzi jewelry is nickle and lead free!! Have that problem with jewelry turning your skin that icky green color? This is the jewelry for you. With the little time I have been a consultant, they continue…