
You guys!!!! Holy shit!!! Booktok was not lying! This book is insane !!!!! I don’t know where to start. Verity is an author who is looking for someone to take over her book series by finishing it. Her husband goes on a mission and finds the perfect fit. Lowen is her name. What she doesn’t…

What Every Girl Needs… MAKEUP

I am 27 years old and I am no Jeffree Star. I was always scared of wearing makeup because I hated the attention it brought to me. When I would put it on, everyone would make such a big deal out of it. I became very very uncomfortable. Fast forward to my late 20s, life…


It has been a moment since I last blogged. Life gets crazy busy, especially here recently. I’ve been working a full time job and still trying to keep my motivation for photography going. My inspiration died between work stress and home stress. it was the first time I put away my camer for the longest…